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Tag Archives: Unnecessary testing

And the band neutrophil counts play on​

December 2023—The recent CAP proficiency testing questionnaire was meant to be the coup de grâce. Hematology PT participants were asked about their band neutrophil reporting practices and, given that these manually generated counts were supposedly on their way out decades ago, the authors of the survey questionnaire expected to see very little activity. The survey, they hoped, would be a way to pound the final, data-driven nail in the coffin. Or, as lead author Maria (Ria) Vergara-Lluri, MD, puts it, “We thought this had all been laid to rest 30 years ago.” It wasn’t. Says Dr. Vergara-Lluri: “Surprise: 86 percent of labs that participated still report bands.” The results of the survey upended many of the assumptions, if not hopes, the authors might have had. Among laboratories that reported manual differentials, they found that most reported bands (4,554 of 5,268). Moreover, only 73 percent reported band reference ranges. On the morphologic challenge, bands classified as “easy” were indeed easy—participants classified them well.

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