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Quidel high-sensitivity troponin I test gains CE mark

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February 2019—Quidel has received the CE mark for its TriageTrue High Sensitivity Troponin I Test for the quantitative determination of troponin I in EDTA anticoagulated whole blood and plasma specimens. The test is to be used as an aid in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction for use with the company’s Triage MeterPro instrument.

TriageTrue features a redesigned cartridge that improves assay sensitivity and precision, the company says. The assay uses monoclonal antibodies specific to human cardiac troponin I in the detection and quantitation of cardiac troponin I. Results are displayed on the MeterPro screen in less than 20 minutes and are stored in the MeterPro memory to display or print when needed. When connected, the MeterPro can transmit results to the laboratory or hospital information system.